maharaja mosfet board price and connection details best mosfet board in the market

Maharaja Mosfet Board Price
83 / 100

Hi music lovers today in this article we are going to read about this maharaja mosfet board price and connection details

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These maharaja amplifier boards are Frequently used in automotive vehicles like buses, coaches, travels, etc… This is a Five channel amplifier board(FL, FR, SL, SR, SUB, CEN). We can use This board for our 5.1 Assembled amplifiers and home theaters. For the subwoofer connection, you can use 4 transistors, 6 transistors, or 8 transistor mono According to your Need. 

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This board comes with the ttc5200 transistor. This transistor can give you Good audio power output and results. For this board power supply, you have to give a minimum 24-0-24 To 30-0-30 transformer with A minimum of 10 amps to a maximum of 15 amps to get the best result. 

And remember this board works with dual supply DC. So don’t give directly from the transformer use diodes and filters to rectify the supply and give it to this board. 

This board can give you 100 Watts of power output per channel. It will vary depending on your input voltage and amps. 

maharaja mosfet board price and connection details

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All the connections are mentioned in these products’ pCB. If you have any questions regarding the connection you can ask me in the comment section. Give the connection property mentioned in this PCB. To protect your speakers and amplifier board use a speaker protection board if you are a beginner. This Board Price May Vary from 1400 to1800 WhatsApp me for the market price

This board is available for sale from me. If you want this board you can ask me in the comment section or on Facebook and WhatsApp.

Maharaja four fet Mono subwoofer board

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As I have mentioned Before that 10 fet board is only for a 5-channel connection. For a subwoofer, you can use this four-transistor Mono. this board can give you a maximum of 600 Watts of audio power output per channel. This board is a very perfect match for JBL Subwoofer. Choose a good Subwoofer pre-board to Get the best result from this board.

Maharaja four fet Stereo subwoofer board

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This board also comes with a stereo. If you are using two subwoofers for your amplifier you can choose this board to Get a better result This board can give you 300 Watts of audio power output per channel. Best use For dual subwoofer amplifier. If you want any boards you can ask me I will courier them to your location.  So that’s all friends for this small article if you have any doubts you can ask me, friends. Bye friends


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