Hi, Music lovers today in this article we are going to read about DTS x vs Dolby atmos which is best and why?
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The evolution of audio technology over the past 20 years is pretty mind-blowing and Dolby atmos as well as DTS X are prime examples of how far technology has advanced in the past two decades. Dolby Atmos and DTS X are two of the most advanced popular surround sound formats but what and how exactly do they do whatever it is they do?
Dolby atmos

well to put it simply both add overhead sound effects to our movie or gaming experience in order to deliver surround sound with greater realism than ever before including the last gen audio formats such as Dolby Digital and DTS. So why are overhead sounds so important?
well, the use of overhead sound effects allows one to place individual sounds anywhere in a room essentially creating an encompassing multi-dimensional sound experience for the movie watcher. a feature that we like to call object-based surround sound technology a thing that was pure science fiction just a decade ago. so without going too deep into technical terms what’s the deal with Dolby Atmos and how exactly does it work, surprisingly it’s quite simple Dolby Atmos achieves object-based surround sound by expanding on conventional surround sound systems.

the inclusion of a new additional channel called the high channel. Let’s imagine you’re watching a movie with a scene where an aircraft is taking off from an airport and the filmmaker wants the viewer to experience that overhead takeoff sound.

instead of just using limited directional sound from front to rear and left to right with the use of Dolby Atmos. the filmmaker can actually place the take-off sound literally right above you

The end result is you’ll get to sit back in your chair and enjoy the full sound of an aircraft taking off right above me which is pretty cool to think about to take advantage of this dolby atmos technology. actually, install overhead speakers and a lot of them. even though Dolby states that using two overhead speakers will be enough to get a decent result. Some Dolby Atmos systems utilize up to 34 speakers.

so you can either go for the conservative approach and install two overhead speakers or you can literally go Atmos crazy and still have multiple overhead speakers in your ceiling. there’s a third option to get some of that dolby atmos lovin. and is hands-down the easiest cheapest and cleanest option of them all that option is getting a Dolby atmos soundbar.
Dolby atmos soundbar
Dolby atmos soundbars to achieve that overhead effect with the use of internal upward-firing speakers without the hassle of purchasing, placing, and installing separate speakers all across the room and the ceiling as far as the best option. Well, it is very individual. if you’re going for the flogs-perfect dolby atmos sound, you’d probably want the full speaker system but if price space and ease of installation are important to you Dolby Atmos soundbar is your move.


Well, it started as a movie theater feature back in 2015 but shortly after it began to appear in high-end home theater receivers it made its way into mainstream home audio systems. Much like Dolby Atmos, DTS X is an object-based surround sound technology that expands on conventional surround sound systems.

DTS X also allows users to adjust the volume of voices on a standalone basis this is a very nifty feature for dialogue-heavy seams since they tend to be difficult to hear clearly,, especially with sound-rich scenes unlike Atmos which is still quite a novelty DTS X is supported by a large number of manufacturers with menu releasing firmware updates for existing AV receivers. So now the moment you have all been waiting for is the ultimate showdown Dolby Atmos vs. DTS who will come out on top and a head-to-head battle.
Before we move on to the final results, if you have any audio-related questions you’d like us to answer, drop us a comment below and we’ll try to best accommodate you as fast as we can. you can also send us a question on our Facebook page.
ready for the final showdown azees you handle the truth honestly you are not likely to notice any difference between mixes with both of these formulas however we feel the DTS X is a much more flexible format.

meaning that translates much better to different kinds of layouts, either standard 5.1 or 7.1 most of all since DTS X is free and simpler makes the price of DTS X enabled harder it should be more competitive on a value-for-money basis.

having said that right now it seems that despite it all Dolby Atmos is the more popular format as far as new movie releases so you definitely want to have it in your setup well it’s too early to announce somebody’s clear winner in the DTS X the first dolby atmos battle we aren’t really sure that it’s even necessary. Unlike the DVD vs blu ray battles I had to end in a loss for one side because of the inherent lack of compatibility between the formats.

Here we may even have a win-win situation on our hands. The truth is that most consumer-grade audio equipment can be compatible with both technologies without any issues. So to come down to which one is more widely adopted by the entertainment industry, as of now we mentioned that though both formats have seemingly received some degree of support from the big Hollywood studios, Dolby Atmos seems to be in the lead. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top when the dust finally settles.

well by then these sound formats will probably be obsolete thanks for Reading and we’ll catch up you guys next time.
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