STK 4231 Bridged mono amplifier board review

STK 4231 IC
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Hi, Friends Today In This Article We Are Going To Read About STK 4231 Bridged Mono Amplifier Board.

stk 4231

This is the Stk 4231 Bridged Mono Class -Ab Amplifier Board.
We Can Use this Amplifier Board For Subwoofer Amplifier due to Its Output Power.
We Can Get 180W To 200W Audio Power Output.
Recommend Input Voltage Is 51v is Dual Supply Dc As per Its Datasheet.

Click Here To Download Stk 4231 Datasheet.

After Reading That Datasheet You Will Know More Details About This Amplifier Board.
In This Ic Datasheet, They do not provide any Bridged Mono Connection Details.
They Provide Stereo Connection Details only.

Then How to Convert This Stereo Board To Bridged Mono Connection?
By Using The Same Sanyo Brand LM4440 Stereo To Bridged Mono Connection Procedure.
STK 4141,4191,4231 All Ic’s Are Converted From Stereo To Bridged Mono By Using The Same La4440 Stereo To Bridged Mono Conversion Method.

Click Here To Download La4440 Ic Data Sheet.
After Reading That Datasheet you may know Stereo To Bridged Mono conversion Details.

You Can Use 30-0-30 to 35-0-35 7amps to 10amps Transformer For this Power Supply.
As Per This Ic Datasheet 4ohms Speakers or Subwoofers are Not Recommended, Use 8 ohms Speakers For This Bridged Mono Connection.

If you want to use 4 ohms Speakers or Subwoofers in this amplifier Board Please Reduce its input Supply Transformer From 28-0-28 to 30-30-30 Ac.

Always Use Recommended Voltage for 8 ohms Speakers And use Some less voltage for 4 ohms Speakers Compared than 8 ohms speaker..(as per the ic Datasheet Design)

So always follow Integrated Amplifier Datasheet input supply And Output Load parameters for making a Good quality Always Use and Follow Input and Output Connections Based on the Pins of the ics. This will help us To the Proper Connection and prevent the False Connection method.

In The Market STK IC’s And Its Driver Boards Are Available Separately

stk 4231

We Need to solder And Connect the ic and its driver Board For Assembling Amplifier.
We Can Use Stk 4141,4191, and 4231 In a common Driver Because mostly all These three ICs have the Same driver components.

stk 4231
Stk 4141 And 4191 Are Having 18 pins And STK 4231 Has 22 pins In that Integrated Circuit.
stk 4231

in that STK 4231 First two and last two pins are not Having any Connections.
By Removing The 1,2 and 21,22 Pin Of the stk 4231 You Can Use this ic in Stk 4141 Driver board. ( Please change the capacitors as per the input supply voltage)
Also, We Can Use Stk 4141 and 4291 Ics In the 4231 Driver Board.

Now We Are Going To read about the Driver board

stk 4231

This driver Board is manufactured By Sri Company. And this Is made with good quality components and PCB.
This Board is having a Fuse provision For Power Supply and speaker terminal output.
This driver Board has the option to convert from bridge Mono to stereo and stereo to bridge mono.

STK 4231 Mono To Stereo Conversion.

By Removing the 56k resistor and Changing the 4.7uf 63v capacitor Direction, with 1k Resistor in audio signal Input and 470pf ceramic disk capacitor We can convert this MonoBoard to stereo.

I Will write a separate article For this mono to stereo conversion.
All The Driver Board manufacturers will give this option in their STK Ic driver Board. So The users Can use this for Mono And Stereo…

And also we can convert a Mono amplifier to stereo and a stereo amplifier to mono.
Now We Are Going to Read the Input and output Connections Of this Driver Board

stk 4231

As per the ic pin numbers from 1 to 22, pin no -13 is a positive input supply.
Pin no-11,16 are negative input supply and pin no-5,8 are ground.
If you are Tracing the pin Number and PCB tracks you can find the Connection.


Audio signal input will be Connected to pin no-3
Audio signal output for the speaker and subwoofer will be taken from the ic pin numbers 12 and 15.

Pin no-12 is the positive output of the speaker and pin no-15 is the Negative output of the speaker.
If we convert a stereo amplifier to bridge mono, we need to connect any one side of the stereo amplifier to the ground and the input signal is given to another channel audio Input.

The speaker positive audio output should be taken from the Audio output of the audio input channel of the Mono amplifier Board.

The Negative Speaker output should Take from the grounded input channel of the Amplifier.
So please connect the input and outputs as per the above details.

Please use Good quality and heavy heatsink For this power amplifier Board with heatsink compound paste For Better cooling and ic life. There is no mica and insulation material is required in between the ic and heatsink.

Ok Friends Please share Your Comments about this article.. and share this article with your friends.

I will meet you in my next article…

bye friends


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