Award 8 inch speaker review and technical specifications best full-range speaker after Philips

Award 8 Inch Speaker
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Hi music lovers today in this article we are going to read about this award 8 inch speaker Review and technical specifications

Award 8 Inch Speaker

Before going to read about this award speaker I would like to tell you a story about Philips speakers. Nearly 10 to 20 years ago most audio lovers were very interested in buying Philips high Quality (hi-qu) speakers. Because of that Speaker audio quality and clarity and speaker life were very Good. So that’s why many of the Customers Like to Play that Speaker.

At that time Woofer usage is very low When compared to Full range speakers. That Philips speaker was a full-range speaker, not a Woofer speaker. So when you. Hear the songs in the Speakers You can enjoy the voice clarity Very well And comfortably. After 5 to 6 years of Speaker release Philips Company Stopped manufacturing the Speakers.

After some years that same Phillips speaker comes with another Name called Boston Hi Quality Speakers. That Boston speaker also stopped manufacturing after 4 to 5 years. You can ask why I am explaining This story. Because nowadays many people Love to hear songs from woofer speakers. They don’t know the audio quality of these full-range speakers. When you assemble a stereo amplifier with these full-range speakers You can enjoy the Music and songs. 

Let’s read about this award 8 inch speaker technical specifications

Award 8 Inch Speaker

This award speaker comes with two variants which are 4 ohms and 8 ohms impedance. This is a full-range speaker which is built with a good-quality aluminum frame.

Speaker polarity

Award 8 Inch Speaker

Many of the speakers made with the right side of the speaker terminal Will be Positive and the left speaker terminal will be negative but this award full range speaker Left side of the speaker terminal will be positive and the Right side of the speaker terminal will be Negative. And remember to always Give the correct connection without changing the polarity to Get the best sound result.

Speaker dimensions

Award 8 Inch Speaker

This award speaker Magnet diameter of 85mm and a magnet width of 15mm. This speaker’s audio quality will be Equally matched to the Philips HiQu Speaker.

You can use this speaker for any type of stereo amplifier for example 4440 dual ic stereo amplifier and stk4141 Ic-based stereo amplifier and any Stereo amplifier this Speaker will match perfectly and give good quality audio results. I hope this article will help you To buy an 8-inch speaker or woofer. If you have any questions regarding this speaker you can ask me in the comment section below. 

how to check the speaker polarity

many of the speaker brands mentioned the speaker polarity on the speaker terminal some brand dint mentioned the polarity then you can find the polarity by the below method

Test with a 9-Volt Battery 

 If you are still determining the wire polarity, you can perform a 9-volt battery test at your home to find the positive and negative cables. Here is how to do this-

  • First, take a 9-volt AAA battery and a battery clip with positive(red) and negative(black) wires. 
  • Next, take a speaker wire that you think is negative. Connect one end to the speaker and connect the positive wire of the battery clip to the speaker.
  • The wire is harmful if you hear a scratching sound from the speaker. If not, the wire you picked up is likely positive. Then the other one will be negative. 

 After finding the wires, make sure to mark these for your future convenience. 

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